
Fever is when there is an elevation in the human body’s temperature considerably beyond the normal range of 36–37° Centigrade (98–100° Fahrenheit). It is a common medical sign. Help Hospital is the Best Fever hospital in Guntur which is established by first fever specialist of AP, Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy Koganti.

Symptoms Of Fever Include:

  • Shivering.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feeling cold.
  • Dehydration.
  • Irritability.

Check Out These Blogs About Fever:

  • Best Fever Hospital In Guntur
  • Fever Symptoms, Causes, Care & Treatment

How To Break A Fever

Take proper rest.

Don’t allow your body to be dehydrated. Drink water or diluted juice which replenishes fluids lost through sweating.

You should not give antibiotics without consultation with your best doctors for fever in Guntur.

Stay cool. Unless you have chills, remove extra layers of blankets and clothing.

Cold compress can be used to make you more comfortable. Ice cube baths, cold baths or rubs, or alcohol baths can be dangerous and should be avoided.

Whatever may be the thermometer’s reading, if you have any concerns, consult your doctor for fever treatment at the best clinic for fever in Guntur.